Goat's Milk has special properties that aid in the restoration of skin injured by eczema, psoriasis, and sensitivities. Handmade Goat Milk Soap and Lotion can help protect your skin with a balanced pH, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and natural fats.
Vitamins: Goat's Milk is high in fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, and E that aid in restoration of damaged skin. Goat's Milk also contains high levels of some B vitamins making it ideal to penetrate deeper layers of your skin. Our family has noticed a difference in the relief of redness and irritation.
Minerals: Goat's Milk has a higher concentration of zinc, copper, iron, and selenium. Selenium is a key ingredient in the skins ability to fight sun damage.
Antioxidants: Alpha hydroxy acids help to naturally cleanse and exfoliate your skin of debris while encouraging new skin cell growth.
Natural Fats: Here at Tattered Farms, we milk Nigerian Dwarf Goats because of the high milk fat content in their milk. This high milk fat content naturally soothes and moisturizes inflamed skin.